[Zhejiang Daily] Longquan and Xiaoshan jointly build a mountain-sea cooperation demonstration zone

2018-08-16 09:33:54 20

Mountains are the source of rivers; the sea is the direction of the current.

Laoshanhai is a hot land for Zhejiang's development.

In 2003, a "mountain-sea cooperation project" related to the overall development of Zhejiang, based on the principles of "government promotion, business entities, market operation, and mutual benefit", was rolled out among the green mountains and green mountains of Zhejiang. Developed and underdeveloped areas work together to solve the problem of the coordination of regional development in the province through various forms such as industrial transfer, personnel mobility, and funding support.

In 2012, Longquan-Xiaoshan Mountain-Sea Cooperation Industrial Park was listed in the first batch of provincial mountain-sea cooperation industrial parks. Between the mountains and the sea, the clarion of cooperation sounded. Based on the local reality, the Longquan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government continued to forge ahead and embarked on a new path of high-quality development with the characteristics of Longquan.

In the assessment of the Provincial Shanhai Collaborative Industrial Park, Longquan-Xiaoshan Shanhai Collaborative Industrial Park won the first prize for three consecutive years in 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Nowadays, in the continuous advancement of mountain-sea cooperation, Longquan has shown a rapid development trend in the fields of industry, agriculture, education, tourism and other fields, and the endogenous driving force for economic and social development is constantly increasing.

Industrial high ground rises to rebuild a new engine of economic development

Into Zhejiang Longquan-Xiaoshan Mountain-Sea Cooperation Industrial Park, the road is wide and flat, and the plant layout is orderly. On a 5.1-square-kilometer land, an equipment manufacturing industry mainly composed of automobile air-conditioning parts, a cultural and creative industry featuring celadon swords, a biomedical industry represented by the National Mirror Pharmaceutical Industry, and intensive processing of agricultural and forestry products, The modern logistics industry is an integrated industrial structure, and the industrial cluster effect with Longquan characteristics is prominent.

Who would have thought that 5 years ago, a large area here was still a low hill with forests and gentle slopes.

In 2012, Longquan-Xiaoshan Shanhai Collaborative Industrial Park was included in the first batch of provincial-level Shanhai Collaborative Industrial Parks. Both parties worked together to build the park in accordance with the principle of "joint investment, joint construction, joint investment, joint management, and benefit sharing."

At that time, Xiaoshan gathered high-end talents, advanced industrial technology, strong economic strength, but limited land resources. Although there is not much arable land in Longquan, the industrial land newly expanded through the development of low hills and gentle slopes has broad development space.

Since then, the two places with obvious complementary advantages have quickly formed a docking of resources through related industry gradient transfers and guiding Zhejiang businessmen to return to settle in Longquan.

In terms of management system, the main leaders of the party and government of the two sides regularly convened high-level joint meetings as convenors, leading teams to inspect and exchange visits, determine the focus of cooperation, and study and solve related issues. In daily work, the two leaders in charge of the two places will take charge of co-management; In terms of guaranteeing factors such as funds, talents, and other industries, priority should be given to the industrial park, and a system of cadre interlinkage and mutual dispatch should be established to ensure that the two places have one team and one team to the end.

"Through mountain-sea cooperation, we have learned a lot of advanced working methods and concepts in terms of investment promotion, planning, management, etc." said Zheng Kui, a full-time deputy director of Longquan-Xiaoshan Mountain-Sea Cooperation Industrial Park. In early 2016, Jin Wei It is proposed that joint review and approval of industrial investment projects should be made to speed up the implementation of industrial projects. Longquan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government adopted his proposal and launched the implementation method in September of that year, which speeded up the administrative approval of industrial investment projects by 40%.

Continuously optimized management and services have greatly stimulated the passion of entrepreneurs in the park. In 2016, 30 projects including Dragon Star, Shuangyi Mushroom Industry, and Baimao Board Industry were completed and put into operation in the Industrial Park, and 16 regulated enterprises were cultivated.

Project companies are organically renewed to foster new momentum for transformation and upgrading

If the capital market is a blue ocean, then mountain-sea cooperation is a "diversion channel."

Xiaoshan District regards Longquan as a "back garden" for investment promotion. Xiaoshan Development Zone compiles a list of investment projects for industrial parks on a quarterly basis to provide information for Longquan. It also actively bridges investment invitation projects that are highly related to Longquan industry. Longquan establishes a factory.

Ninglongquan took this opportunity to formulate a series of attractive preferential policies, relying on the Xiaoshan office and the Yangtze River Delta investment team to introduce "potential stocks" projects.

Led by Shanhai Collaboration, last year, Longquan-Xiaoshan Shanhai Collaborative Industrial Park introduced the first foreign investment project—Saudi merchants invested USD 6 million in the Kaizun auto parts production line project and settled in it. The project was realized through the bird cage replacement project The contract was signed and put into production that year.

Simultaneously with foreign investment, large domestic enterprises and projects have also come. Zheneng Group invested in the construction of a clean energy power plant running biomass and photovoltaic at the same time in Longquan, which not only promoted the development of non-petrochemical energy, but also effectively promoted the development of Longquan's circular economy and increased farmers' income; Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical, a large global infusion professional manufacturer The wholly-owned Zhejiang Guojing Pharmaceuticals relocation project, choose Shanhai Collaborative Industrial Park, this project is also an advanced large infusion production line in China, and production has been started. After it has been put into production, it can achieve an output value of 2 billion yuan ...

Laoshanhai echoed, forming a vigorous movement forward. Through the joint promotion of the party committees and governments of the two places, the construction level of the Longquan-Xiaoshan Mountain-Sea Cooperation Industrial Park has been increasing year by year.

PeoplePeople are the biggest variable in promoting sustainable high-quality development. The improvement of people's literacy and spiritual outlook is an inexhaustible motive force to promote industrial transformation and upgrading and achieve high-quality development.

In the process of mountain-sea collaboration, Longquan has adopted "order-style" training, on the one hand, sending students from Longquan City vocational school to Xiaoshan-related companies for internships, and on the other hand, arranging the leaders and managers of key enterprises in the industrial park to learn management models in Xiaoshan , Cutting-edge technology, complement talents, technical shortcomings, and promote the industry to the mid-to-high end.

Make up for shortcomings, increase well-being, improve people's sense of well-being

Bringing together people's livelihood and improving people's sense of well-being is the original intention and destination of mountain-sea collaboration.

In recent years, while the cooperation between Longquan and Xiaoshan has been deepened at the city level and the enterprise level, cooperation in the fields of ecological agriculture, leisure tourism, science, education, culture and health has also become closer.

The cooperation between the mountains and the sea promotes the revitalization of the countryside. From July 12, 2017, about 3 tons of alpine vegetables will be sent to Hangzhou from Longquan on time every day, and the whole chain of about 360 kilometers of cold chain freshness will be delivered to major supermarkets in Hangzhou. Through the supply chain model of "order planting + agricultural super-docking" established by the supply and marketing cooperatives in Longquan and Xiaoshan, Longquan's green organic high-quality agricultural products have been sold at a good price, making the cooperative's net profit per acre as high as more than 10,000 yuan, which has set off a new Longquan farmers. The climax of a return home business.

Sheshan and Haihai collaborate to share tourism dividends. In 2017, the Longquan Cultural Tourism Commission and the Longquan Federation of Trade Unions respectively signed a strategic agreement on mountain-sea cooperation in the tourism industry with their counterparts in Xiaoshan, and established mechanisms for tourism promotion and mutual delivery of tourists, which broadened the Longquan's market for attracting tourists and the common tourist dividend.

She Shanhai collaboration strengthens the strength of masters. On September 11, 2017, the Xiaoshan District Education Bureau selected five outstanding teachers to form an expert team to support the Longquan No. 4 Middle School. In the past year, through the form of teacher-apprentice pairing, the young teachers of Longquan No. 4 Middle School have broadened their horizons and effectively improved the professional level of young teachers. At present, the Education Bureaus of the two places have established a pairing relationship of education counterpart support. The 20 primary and secondary schools in Xiaoshan and the 20 schools in Longquan are paired one-on-one to train more than 50 teachers for Longquan City each year.

She Shanhai collaborated to sink medical resources. On February 1 this year, Longquan City also established a provincial, city, county, and township four-level medical fusion, so that people in Longquan will have a strong provincial and municipal medical team and cutting-edge medical services at their doorstep.

On June 21st, Longquan and Xiaoshan started a new chapter in the joint effort to build an upgraded version of the mountain-sea collaboration project. The two sides not only explored the further expansion of the content of the collaboration, improved the cooperation platform, and deepened the cooperation mechanism, but also signed the Xiaoshan-Longquan "enclave" industrial park co-construction agreement, and 8 departments and 10 township (street) cooperation pairing agreements. Xiaoshan District plans 150 mu of land in the Economic and Technological Development Zone for Longquan City for the construction of an "enclave" industrial park. The income from the "enclave" industrial park will be mainly used to develop and expand the Longquan village-level collective economy, effectively helping Longquan eliminate weak villages in the collective economy.